One For The Road, a Newsletter

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In an attempt to shake off social media a bit; and as a way concentrate on my own creative endeavors, and those of my friends and other folks whose work I enjoy, respect and admire; and following in the footsteps of some photographers, writers, folks with community voices, and friends, I’ve decided to set up a monthly email dispatch. 

(Cue groaning / eye-rolling.)

I’m still figuring all this out, so things may shift over time, but I’m generally thinking it’ll contain some writing, some photos, and some links to music I’m listening to. I’ll do my best to keep the writing short, tight, and interesting, I might try to include other people from time to time. I manage to shoot one or two rolls of film and several digital photos every month, most of which never make it to Instagram (because that’s always seemed like a waste), so I’ll be including photos, maybe even in little curated collections. And as for music, my consumption level isn’t what it used to be but I still actively seek out new stuff, so there shouldn’t be any shortage of artists and records to write about.

I’m calling this thing One For The Road, and I’ll be sending it out at the end of each month. Think of it as a monthly night cap, some thoughts and images and sounds offered up, ad free, without any algorithmic manipulation or expectation of “engagement.” Hopefully it serves a break from the chaos that’s usually present on whatever electronic device you happen to spend too much time on.

If that’s remotely of interest to you, drop your email address into the box below, and hit the subscribe button. First One For The Road goes out on January 31…