Electric Wizard

This is English stoner doom band Electric Wizard, live at The Warfield in San Francisco (April 30, 2018), complete with crushingly high volume and seizure inducing video accompaniment comprised of flashing, brightly colored psychedelic artwork superimposed over biker movies and Satan worshiping smut films from the 1960s. It all worked really well together.

These three photos were taken with Lightroom Mobile on an iPhone 8 from the back of the lower floor of the theater. They were edited in Lightroom Mobile and then finished in VSCO. They're super grainy, and shot from to far away, but I think they still deliver.

And just because I was interested in how wel the Squaresapce mobile app worked, I wrote and published this post on my phone as well. Nifty. (Update: I had to go back in via the computer and make some tweaks to the post. The mobile editor's not that hot.)

New Sounds: Late Night Old Man Jam BS

When I’m not holding down the fuzzed out, fucked up low send in The Loyalists, I have some occasional musical inclinations that lean toward something different.

I started work on this mellow little joint last year, and got lost along the way (not that there’s much to it to get lost in, but that’s just how life goes). I jumped back on it this weekend, and spit out this two-minute jam.

The drums are programmed — because I don’t have anything like an MPC right now to sample and chop sounds — but I played the bass and guitar, though an Ampeg V4B, and did the recording and mixing through a Presonus Firebox into GarageBand on an iPad Pro. The result is pretty rough, but the process was fun, and I think the tune is too...