Weekly Photoset: January 1, 2019

Happy New Year. I spent some time in Carmel and San Francisco last week, and these pix came out of those adventures. This batch is predominantly black and white, except for one — when I pulled the RAW image from the camera, the color was so vivid, it clearly wasn’t meant for black and white. There’s also a rare selfie here, please don’t hold it against me…

Weekly Photoset: October 28, 2018

I haven’t been posting to this site enough — to the blog or the photo galleries — but that doesn’t mean that I’ve got nothing to post. I take photos almost daily, either with the Lightroom Mobile camera on an iPhone 8, with a FujiFilm x100f that I have on me most of the time, and sometimes with a Nikon D7200. Currently the output is just piling up in the Adobe cloud and on a hard drive.

Also, I’m increasingly fried on Instagram, annoyed and frustrated with a shitty user experience. It’s flooded with ads and, as far as a creative outlet goes, feels like just shoving bullshit in to a black hole. And while I do post to 500px and VSCO from time to time — and find those to be cleaner and more curated communities despite (or maybe because of) the smaller, more photography-focused user bases and ad-free paid options — I don’t own those spaces like I own this one.

So in an attempt to breathe a little life into this site, and do something lasting and more personally meaningful with the photos I make, I’m going to start publishing a weekly dump of images. There may be just one photo, or there might be several, but I’ll put in the effort to put up something here every week; these photos won’t get any explanation beyond where and when they were snapped; and the weekly cadence will hit on Sundays, with a seven day lookback. Beyond that, no rules.

Just for the hell of it, and because some rules are for breaking, this first edition goes back two weeks. So let’s see where all this goes...

Electric Wizard

This is English stoner doom band Electric Wizard, live at The Warfield in San Francisco (April 30, 2018), complete with crushingly high volume and seizure inducing video accompaniment comprised of flashing, brightly colored psychedelic artwork superimposed over biker movies and Satan worshiping smut films from the 1960s. It all worked really well together.

These three photos were taken with Lightroom Mobile on an iPhone 8 from the back of the lower floor of the theater. They were edited in Lightroom Mobile and then finished in VSCO. They're super grainy, and shot from to far away, but I think they still deliver.

And just because I was interested in how wel the Squaresapce mobile app worked, I wrote and published this post on my phone as well. Nifty. (Update: I had to go back in via the computer and make some tweaks to the post. The mobile editor's not that hot.)

Familiar Paths, New Angles

I tend to traverse the same paths. My commute between home and work, the errands I run around town, and the tracks of my life are generally through streets that I'm very familiar with because I'm on them with such frequency. The trick is keeping my eyes open — a trick I'm still practicing most days — because even though they look like the same streets, that's not always the case.

With that in mind, I've been carrying a little digital point-and-shooter more often lately, and shooting as I go. The results have been mixed, but here's a recent collection of passable photos I've snapped in the streets as I've made my way through my various routines...