Weekly Photoset: March 17, 2019

Time flies when you’re working your ass off.

i‘ve been taking photographs every chance I get recently but, per usual, haven’t had much time to circle back around to review, edit and post what I’ve been shooting. But I’m still making that effort to get it in when I can, so this week’s set contains scenes from the few weeks. In that time, I spent four days in Anaheim, CA for work, and traversed the Bay between Oakland and San Francisco on the usual paths.

I’ve been thinking a lot about photographic style — my opportunistic approach, no matter the setting — and have been sort of longing for the time required to post up in busy places, make myself invisible, and capture the traffic of life as it goes by. But right now I have no time for plotting careful approaches, or lying in wait, so shooting on the move’s gonna have to continue to be the M.O…

Weekly Photoset: February 18, 2019

I’ve spent a lot of time recently playing catch up (work, life, creative pursuits, etc.), so this week’s photoset includes images I’ve made over the last few weeks (the recent LA trip notwithstanding).

Lately, photographically speaking, I’ve been trying to see past the drudgery of the every-day (my life is fairly routine when I’m not traveling) and find beauty in the normal average spaces and places around me. Spaces devoid of people are easier for me, though the perennial challenge of photographing people is a part of this — and something I still struggle with. Ultimately, regardless of the subject, I’m trying to employ the (often [mis]quoted) wisdom of California photographer Morley Baer: “Quit trying to find beautiful objects to photograph. Find the ordinary objects so you can transform it by photographing it.”

At any rate, here are some ordinary objects I’ve photographed recently (all shot with the FujiFilm x100f, and edited as minimally as possible in Adobe Lightroom). The beauty is, I suppose, entirely subjective…

Weekly Photoset: January 6, 2019

Wrapping up the first week of the new year by publishing some photos I made over the last seven days. Here’s the first photoset of 2019…

Weekly Photoset, November 19, 2018

If there’s a theme to this photoset, it’s traversing the Bay on BART. I made a couple trips between Oakland and SF last week, and captured these images along the way.

I’ve been working on photographing people more lately. It’s not something I’m super comfortable with, and like most of my photography, regardless of subject, I’m opportunistic with it.

One of these pictures was made with the Lightroom Mobile camera on an iPhone 8, the other three with the FujiFilm x100f. (Can you tell the difference?)

Familiar Paths, New Angles

I tend to traverse the same paths. My commute between home and work, the errands I run around town, and the tracks of my life are generally through streets that I'm very familiar with because I'm on them with such frequency. The trick is keeping my eyes open — a trick I'm still practicing most days — because even though they look like the same streets, that's not always the case.

With that in mind, I've been carrying a little digital point-and-shooter more often lately, and shooting as I go. The results have been mixed, but here's a recent collection of passable photos I've snapped in the streets as I've made my way through my various routines...