Weekly Photoset: December 20, 2018

After months of deactivation — and a couple of years after removing the app from my phone and iPad, which essentially removed it from my daily life — I deleted my Facebook account this week. So, just a heads-up: if we were connected there, we’re not any more...or rather, we won’t be for much longer, as it takes 30 days to delete an account for some reason.

I’ve been toying with the idea of shitcanning my Instagram account too, but I’m not quite there yet. I’ve managed to keep it curated enough — mostly photography, art and design, records, bands, vintage cars, and boxing — that it still delivers content that generally makes me happy…despite the glut of advertising, and the fact that I’m pretty sure those bastards are hot-micing my phone to target said advertising.

Anyway, few days late (per usual), but here’s the week’s photoset…

(Bi)Weekly Photoset: December 10, 2018

I blew it last week and failed to post The weekly batch of photos, so here’s a short collection from the last couple of weeks. No black and white — these are all color, all made with the Fujifilm x100f in my Oakland, CA neighborhood.

 (Also, just a heads up — I finally published a gallery of pictures from my trip to Oaxaca, MX back in June, and I’m writing up a post about that. I’m also working through photos from a trip to NYC in October, and I hope to get those published here soon as well. Life’s been a little nutty lately, so unfortunately creative pursuits have suffered.)

Weekly Photoset: November 12, 2018

Last week was a rough one. It’s been difficult to escape the fires that have effected the whole state — we’ve gotten shitty air quality in Oakland, but compared to what folks in Butte and Ventura Counties have been going through, rotten air quality is, in the immediate term anyway, not much more than an annoyance. I mean, I’m wearing a filter mask outdoors (which feels pretty dystopian), but still have a roof over my head. I have friends in Paradise and Calabasas, near Malibu, who can’t say that at this point.

Please give what you can to help the victims of the Camp (Nor Cal) and Woolsey (So Cal) fires. The NYT put together a pretty good list of places to start. If you live nearby, please consider donating your time by volunteering. If you live away from the affected areas, please throw some money at the problem. People can use all the help they can get right now.

With regards to this week’s photos, I shot more with the Lightroom Mobile camera on my phone this week than I did with the x100f — or rather, I was happier with the results on the phone — but both are represented here…

Weekly Photoset: November 6, 2018

I set a Sunday deadline for myself to post a weekly photoset, and I blew it right outta the gate. I should have posted these images two days ago. But that’s life these days — I’m busy, and sometimes things fall by the wayside. Better late than never, I guess…

Familiar Paths, New Angles

I tend to traverse the same paths. My commute between home and work, the errands I run around town, and the tracks of my life are generally through streets that I'm very familiar with because I'm on them with such frequency. The trick is keeping my eyes open — a trick I'm still practicing most days — because even though they look like the same streets, that's not always the case.

With that in mind, I've been carrying a little digital point-and-shooter more often lately, and shooting as I go. The results have been mixed, but here's a recent collection of passable photos I've snapped in the streets as I've made my way through my various routines...